Who Can File a NEC Formula Lawsuit?

National NEC attorneys provide information on who qualifies to file a NEC lawsuit for baby formula claims

Who Can File a NEC Formula Lawsuit

Preterm and low-birth infants who are fed baby formula rather than breast milk are at risk for developing necrotizing enterocolitis. Necrotizing enterocolitis is a severe inflammatory disease of the gut which can require surgery and may result in death. The manufacturers of common preterm baby formulas Similac and Enfamil have known of the risk of NEC from formula for the past decade yet failed to warn consumers of the risk. Critics say Abbott and Mead Johnson officials intentionally chose not to add a warning statement to the product labels in order to keep premie formulas in wide use. As a result, many families unknowingly exposed their preterm infants to a risk for NEC by allowing them to be fed with baby formula.

Families whose infant developed NEC after using baby formula are seeking clarification of the qualifications required to participate in a NEC formula lawsuit. Our attorneys provide free, no-obligation, confidential consultations to anyone who feels they may have a claim. On this page, we have compiled the basic qualifications our attorneys consider in each NEC lawsuit claim.

For parents and families who meet these qualifications, it is likely you will be eligible to file a baby formula lawsuit for NEC. There are multiple reasons to file a claim. First, NEC formula lawyers believe families whose infant suffered from NEC from baby formula may be eligible for compensation for the expense of medical treatment, pain, suffering, and loss associated with the condition. More meaningful than that to some is the opportunity to hold a large corporation accountable for patient safety and dishonest business practices and to demand the addition of a NEC warning on infant formulas. Critics say the makers of Enfamil and Similac neglected to warn consumers of the known risk of NEC from baby formula for nearly a decade.

Attorneys offering free, no obligation NEC lawsuit case review are available to speak with you and your family about your circumstances. To learn more about filing a lawsuit, please fill out the simple form linked on this page.

NEC Formula Lawyers

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